Aug 4, 2009

Posted in Captain Underhill Series


L1100638For years an anonymous Cape Cod mural painter has been adorning the underpass to the Barnstable Village railroad bridge with images of scantily clad nudes in Clasical poses. An activity which, although many in the Village enjoy them and approve, is also illegal and a source of irritation particuarly to nearby neighbor, Otis Narwhal, who feels the paintings go too far. With night-vision binoculars he sits on his portch at night hoping to spy the Phantom Artist at work and report her to the local police.

When his spying succeeds he calls in the cops, (including Captain Underhill ), thinking this will put an end to it, but, unfortunately, it is only the begininng: the beginning of the suspense and the beginning of the terror. ‘The Mermaid on Halloween Bridge’ is a real time suspense thriller perfect for the Jack-o-Lantern season!


  1. Steve aka Wally says:

    In the spring of 1979, George H. and I were painting a house on Stage Harbor in Chatham. George H., Doug B., Alan O. and I took a ride after striper fishing and with the white paint from the trim of the house, and the dark green from the shutters, we painted the first large striper profile painting on that bridge.
    Someone painted a new one years later after ours faded. The net casting nude is fitting art for our landscape.

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