Posted in Fan Letters
Laura F. writes:
Memories of Cape revisited
Just yesterday my younger brother and I were doing the bunny hop around the Chatham Bandstand – or so it seems.
Balloons of every color speckled the green hill, spread with blankets and families vacationing on the Cape in the summer months. If you look close enough, you can see my family – blanket outstretched, ears perked in attention—along with many others, steeped in a family tradition built over the years.
My brother and I always knew that when the calendar flipped to the summer months we were bound to pack up the family car and head to the Cape from our home in West Hartford, Conn.
A fog horn sounding throughout the car signaled the start of a Cape Cod Radio mystery theater; a program featuring the fictional retired Cape Cod police Captain Waverly Underhill and his physician friend Dr. Alexander Scofield solving mysteries across the Cape that we would listen to on the drive up.
And with the words, “It was a foggy night on old Cape Cod, a perfect night for a mystery” my love for storytelling and the Cape began